Thursday, August 11, 2005

nigga what?

right. so every now and then i actually read an article on my yahoo homepage. the other day i peeped an article on two jurors from the mj case who say they regret their decision to find him innocent. i didn't really much attention to it until another, seemingly similar article showed up on my page.

it seems that the two jurors, eleanor cook and ray hultman, not only claim to regret their decision to deem mj innocent, but they now say that other jurors pressured them into saying the gloved one was not guilty. not surprisingly, both have decided to write tell-all books and a tv movie; cook has also decided to sell t-shirts. (boy, about five slogans just came to my head. i could make her rich.)

but it can't stop, don't stop there.

in an msnbc interview, cook had the following to say about her fellow jurors who allegedly pressured her into acquitting the man in the mirror, "they should be ashamed...they're the ones who let a pedophile go."

nigga what?

it goes on...

cook's book is to be titled, guilty as sin, free as a bird. the current slogan for her t-shirt is, "Don't Snap Your Fingers at Me, Lady -- Elly Cook, Juror Number 5". her representative, hollywood producer, larry garrison had the following to say, "this is not about money...this is about the judicial system gone awry. this is about two jurors being pressured, being told they'd be kicked off the jury. elly cook is 79 years old and she doesn't give a damn about money right now. she's donating the money to feed the children."

nigga who?

i know i ain't no lawyer or hollywood producer, but a couple things:
  1. since when has money not had anything to do with the judicial system going awry?
  2. while i'm on money, let's throw in old people. since when do old people not need money? does this cat watch tv at all? there's a gazillion medications for hypochondriac old people to buy so they can live longer and do things like sit on juries and get on my nerves.
  3. "she's donating the money to feed the children." who is this chick? sally struthers?
  4. while i'm on "children", can he clarify what she means by that? iono about you, but i've known some old ladies who use the word "children" in reference to their nine cats.
  5. "...being told they'd be kicked off the jury." what is this? 5th grade recess? what? you got kicked off the team 'cause you suck?
  6. "they should be ashamed...they're the ones who let a pedophile go." yet another example of old people getting away with shit because they're old. this is a picture of the michael jackson trial jurors:

    ok maybe it's just me, but none of these people appear that scary. i mean, what did they do? threaten to cut up her medicare card? did she leave to go back to the hotel after deliberations and saw that all the tires of her motorized scooter had been flattened? i wanna know: why isn't "elly" cook part of the "they"?
  7. and while i'm on old people shit, why does she get to make t-shirts? and corny ones at that? "Don't Snap Your Fingers at Me, Lady -- Elly Cook, Juror Number 5" mmm hmmm, girlfriend, i guess you toooolllld her.
  8. i don't have an eighth point.

language alone protects us from the scariness of things with no names. language alone is meditation. ~toni morrison


Blogger Harold Gibson said...

Summer I totally agree with you, my first reaction was ftw, I so discombobulated. This is so stupid. I hope america does not fall for this lunancy. Who scared these old hoes? Other white people? Crackers please. What scared them. When they could have convicted someone they believed to be a pedophile they dropped the ball so now they need to be drop kicked in the behind. I am so mad whitney is channeling in me again.Hell to the Naw!Hell to the Naw!!!

11/8/05 17:44  
Blogger Gradly said...

All I have to say is that those two jurors are gonna be on a box of cereal. Because America is gonna love them. Their book is going to be a best seller and they may even get on Montel (Not Oprah). Oh they are about to blow up.

11/8/05 20:27  
Blogger Lee said...

seriously. if these people want to say they were "intimidated" and then voted against their own conscience, they ought to be jailed for contempt of court. i mean, if "jackson's people" tried to interfere with them, they should have informed the court.

that's really all there is to it. if they honestly thought they fucked up, they should confess to their closest friends, or write it in a secret letter to be opened upon their decease. it should be an occasion for shame, not for writing a bestseller.

and, shamefully, it'll probably be a bestseller.

12/8/05 01:00  
Blogger AC said...

number 7...whew...LMAO...lololol...

16/8/05 02:10  

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