i get delirious whenever you're near...
so kramer loses his shit on stage last week, and i have blog fodder. there was a time when such putty would excite me, but alas i simply shake my head. i have only a few points regarding the matter. i'm not interested in attempting some cleverly woven story right now, so i'll try to keep this brief.
um...a short rehearsal of the facts:
lose all self control, baby i just can't steer...
1. kramer drops the n-bomb a gang of times (that's -er) after allegedly being heckled by a few niggas (that's -a) during a stand-up comedy routine.
2. kramer talks to seinfeld and david letterman via satellite on the late show. an out of sorts richards apologized.
3. 2 days later, somebody somewhere reported that richards made some anti-semitic remarks during a stand-up routine in april of 2006.
wheels get locked in place...
4. kramer hires howard rubenstein as his new publicist.
5. kramer calls up run jesse run and rev. al.
6. kramer is a guest on run jesse run's radio show, and again says "my bad."
stupid look on my face...
jesus h. christ. if i had one seat left at a dinner party i was throwing, i'd be more inclined to invite kramer than the other two; and that's despite the fact that i've never seen and episode of seinfeld. hell, i even liked rev. al's antics during the last democratic national convention.let me explain.
i've said it before that political correctness bothers me more than toothpaste in the bathroom sink. why do i despise the "pc"? because it allows michael richards to waste air time talking about he's not a racist; because i get to hear stupid ass, imprecise, unclear phrases like "racially insensitive." because someone can lose their shit, hire a new publicist, call up two self-appointed "leaders" of the race, and repeatedly say "my bad." (in other words, if one can make "racially insensitive" remarks, then one can perform penitence, begin a healing for said remarks by talking to the right people.) because said black dudes and others regard themselves as authorities on race, racism, and racial insensitivities. because one of these black dudes gets it wrong too many times for my liking. because if these niggas were really holding it down for "the race," and consequently scary to white people, they'da got shot a long time ago. (you know, like maybe someone would've shot them 50 times while sitting unarmed in a car.) because these niggas are invested in apologies for things said during "un-pc" moments. because i think these leaders are often worse for "the race" than those racially insensitive perpetrators. because if a big enough group of niggas told these niggas to shut the fuck up, maybe we could get somewhere.
it comes to (makin' a) pass...
because i would've rather kramer say nigger again, than to see and hear him say afro-american on youtube. because i think we should go back to negro, or maybe even colored. because sometimes i feel like me and my homies are the only real black people left on the planet. (you damn right i just said that shit.)
i just can't win the race...
because maybe, just maybe, this is the legacy of the civil rights movement.
and that's all i'm going to say about that.
perhaps i should actually write my dissertation.
language alone protects us from the scariness of things with no names. language alone is meditation. ~toni morrison